What visa do you need to work legally in Singapore?

Singapore has a variety of work visas known as passes. Everyone has to obtain a work pass to work in the country, even if they’re not subject to a Singapore visa. Singapore’s passes are divided into four major categories, which follow:

  • Passes for professionals (Employment Pass, EntrePass, Personalized Employment Pass)
  • Passes for skilled and semi-skilled workers (S Pass and other work permits)
  • Passes for trainees and students
  • Short-term passes

Your company’s employees will most likely fall into the first category. Professional workers — such as foreign managers, executives, and professionals, fall under the Employment Pass. Current employment pass holders and higher-earning foreigners can apply for a Personalized Employment Pass, which is more flexible than other options. Finally, investors and entrepreneurs looking to start a business should apply for EntrePass.

Requirements to Obtain Singapore Work Visas

The requirements to obtain a Singapore work visa depend on what type of pass your employees need. For example, those applying for an employment pass must be higher earners with work experience and acceptable qualifications.

As of February 1, 2022, Singapore will require work visa applicants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition for approval of their application.

Application Process

As an employer, you’ll need to handle your employees’ Singapore working visas on their behalf. You can apply for the work visa online through EP — an online application service through the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The application process includes:

  • Employees finding a job in Singapore
  • Employers submitting the application
  • Paying the application processing fee
  • Receiving an In-Principle Approval (IPA) or In-Principle Rejection letter
  • Traveling to Singapore through the IPA letter
  • Applying to get the Singapore work visa issued
  • Paying a fee for the pass
  • Receiving a notification letter when the pass is issued
  • Registering at the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC)
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