go to live in USA

Study. Work. Live in USA

United States of America, popularly known as US or America, is regarded as one of the most powerful country of the world. The economic might has an abundance of natural resources and a way ahead in science & technology from the contemporary countries of the world. It’s economic might can be imagined by most of the business transactions of the world is carried forward in US dollar currency.

  • Full name: United States of America
  • Population: 331,893,745 (2021 estimate)
  • Capital: Washington D.C.
  • Largest city: New York City
  • Area: 3,796,742 sq mi (9,833,520 km2)
  • Major language: English
  • Major religion: Christianity

Why to go to live in USA?

World’s best universities are located in USA to study, quality life with higher human development index, abundance of work opportunities are available for the people. USA is regarded ahead of other countries in many walks of life. It offers equal opportunity to compete and grow in life to all the people in country. Wages offered in the country is regarded as higher than most of the countries of the world. This is also in regard to the high conversion value of it’s currency from the currencies of developing countries.

Big Cities:

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas–Fort Worth, Houston, Washington, D.C.


With wide variety of geographic regions, US has almost all variety of climate across the country. Extreme weathers are also experienced in the country including, snow fall, heat wave, tornado etc. Still the America is livable.

Additional Information:

The technology power and leading innovations keep America ahead in economic power since year 1900. The computers or information technology are invented by Americans. America’s population is about four percent of the world’s population. While Americans posses more than thirty percent of the world’s wealth.

US has a diverse population across the country. Most of the population of US are immigrants and making America great. New York is the business hub of US while silicon valley is the IT hub of the country. One of the major source of revenue comes by selling military equipment.


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Stanford University
  • Harvard University
  • California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Yale University
  • Columbia University
  • Princeton University
  • Cornell University


USA offers a quality life together with plenty of resources to grow as much as your potential allows. Workers of all level can accommodate here easily. Work opportunities are there for all. Even students can work and earn to meet their study expenses. Diverse people from across the world are residing here with a harmony.

  • Quality life
  • Quality education
  • Quality health & wealth system

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