Go to live in Newzealand

Study. Work. Live in New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country situated about two thousand kilometers east of Australia. It is a developed country and offers quality life, education, equality, economic freedom etc. It is the first country of the world who offered women right to vote. New Zealand is regarded as the best place to live after retirement.

  • Full name: New Zealand
  • Population: 5,128,080 (2022 estimate)
  • Capital: Wellington
  • Largest city: Auckland
  • Area: 268,021 km2 (103,483 sq mi)
  • Major language: English
  • Major religion: Christianity

Why to go to New Zealand?

New Zealand’s education system is regarded as one of the best and rank seventh in the world with students performing exceptionally well. Primary and secondary education for children is mandatory and free for the citizens and permanent residents. Government had introduced minimum wage system at the earliest in the world. Climate and the developed economy add values for the migrants across the globe.

Big Cities:

Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, Tauranga, Napier


The climate of New Zealand is regarded as temperate maritime. The average temperature varies from 10 °C to 16 °C. Snow fall season is early June to early October every year. More than two thousand hours of sunshine is witnessed in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch every year.

Additional Information:

New Zealand has a high income economy with per capita income US $36,254. New Zealand produce surplus agriculture products and exports about 24% of the total produce every year. Nowadays, high level of innovations are contributing significantly to New Zealand’s economy. Besides agriculture, service sector and tourism contributes a major chunk to New Zealand’s economy.

The monarch of UK, currently queen Elizabeth II in 2022, is regarded as the head of the state. It is a member of group of Commonwealth countries. Most of the population is of European origin and rest has mixed population of local Maori and of Asian origin.

  • University of Auckland
  • University of Otago
  • Auckland University of Technology
  • University of Canterbury
  • Victoria University of Wellington
  • Massey University
  • University of Waikato
  • Lincoln University

The developed country offers higher standard of education and health system. The climate of the country attracts people across the globe. Even it has been voted for the best place to live after retirement. Abundance of natural resources, less population make the country richer.

  • Quality education
  • Higher wages
  • Climate