Live in Canada

Study. Work. Live in Canada

Canada is a country in the North America continent extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific ocean. Area-wise, it is the second largest country of the world. It has a long-stretched shared border with USA. Canada is a highly developed country and it’s economy is the eighth largest economy of the world as of now in the year 2022. Canada has a large number of universities across the country and mostly public funded.

  • Full name: Dominion of Canada
  • Population: 38,654,738 (Q2 2022 estimate)
  • Capital: Ottawa
  • Largest city: Toronto
  • Area: 9,984,670 km2 (3,855,100 sq mi)
  • Major language: English, French
  • Major religion: Secular

Why to go to live in Canada?

Canada is among developed countries of the world. It has a large number of educational institutions funded by the government. It is a secular country and any one can preach any religion without any interference or restrictions. Canadian dollars are regarded as stronger among currencies of the world. The health system, education system, high wages, work opportunities, fair governance with good law & order, are a few points of attraction of Canada.

Big Cities:

Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver


Canada is regarded as a colder country. Average temperature varies from region to region. At some parts of the country average lower temperature goes as low as -15 °C while average high temperature is recorded between 25 °C to 30 °C. In some parts of the country snow cover the ground almost of six months of a year. Coastal British Columbia has a better climate with a rainy winter.

Additional Information:

Canada is one of the Commonwealth countries of the world and falls under the monarch of Elizabeth II of UK as in the year 2022. Canada got independence in the year of 1867 and was ruled by Britishers for more than a hundred years. The visa policy of Canada is liberal and the government likes to welcome foreigners in the country.

Canada is regarded as one of the highest trading nations with a globalized economy. It has low level of income disparity. Canada’s economic integration with USA has been increased significantly specially after the second world war. Manufacturing, mining, and service sector of Canada has transformed it to urbanized and industrial economy.

  • University of Toronto
  • McGill University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Alberta
  • McMaster University
  • University of Waterloo
  • Western University
  • Queen’s University
  • University of Calgary
  • Centennial College
  • University of Victoria
  • University of Windsor

Canada is a liberal democracy with a full emphasis on social justice. It has publicly funded healthcare system known as Medicare. Four universities of Canada is constantly ranking in top hundred universities of the world. Canada, believes in equality and inclusiveness, has a mixed ethnicity from across the world.

  • Quality education
  • Medicare
  • Economic growth

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